Is your Chiswick postcode best for house buyers or sellers?

Jul 23, 2018
A new online tool reveals the market temperature of your W4  postcode.  PropCast is a property weather report showing levels of 'buyer demand' in UK housing markets. Is it a buyer’s or a seller’s market? The mistake that most people make, is thinking they already know. And that’s totally understandable. The housing market is rarely out of the headlines. It’s all good stuff but it’s vague. But when it comes to your sale, you need to get specific. Otherwise you can’t make really smart decisions about how best to price your property, based on whether the W4 area is hot or not. You also need to know when to make an offer on a new home and whether the offer on your old home is the best you’re going to get. PropCast aims to help you find out what’s really going on. Like any good weather forecast, it’s accurate, and its local. For example, everyone thinks London is a scorcher, but look closer and you’ll see it’s made up of tiny markets, and in some areas conditions it can be distinctly chilly. The online tool reports on ‘buyer demand’ levels down to your specific postcode. You are able to dig even deeper and predict ‘buyer demand’ for your individual property. It also tells you how to use that information to get the sale you need, regardless of the temperature of your market. It gives an alternative insight instead of relying solely on national house price reports. You can’t change the market, but if you know its true nature and get the right advice, you can outsmart it.
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