7 top tips to keep warm and save energy this winter

Jan 31, 2019
As temperatures plunge, we debate whether to turn the heating up, leave the heating on for longer or reach for another jumper. Only 15% of us draught proof our homes, so the number one top tip to save energy without going cold is to draught proof those doors. Shut all inside doors and use draught excluders at the bottom of each one to conserve heat and energy. Here are the other top tips: 2. Close those curtains (and open them!) Close the curtains in rooms you're not in and just before it gets dark to prevent that lovely warmth escaping before bed. Thermal curtains minimise heat loss the best and if you have a draughty front door hang a thermal curtain in front of it! Property expert Phil Spencer: "Don't forget to take advantage of the few hours of winter daylight to add some heat, by keeping the curtains on your south-facing windows open during the day. 3. Bleed your radiators This way you can ensure you're getting the full amount of heat possible. Unsure whether you need to do this? See how warm it is at the top compared to the bottom, if the top is colder then you should bleed it. Put sheets of tin foil down the back of your radiator - this helps to reflect the heat back into the room, keeping you warm and toasty.  Turn off radiators in any rooms you're not using. Why spend money on heating rooms you're not in? 4. Shut one door (and open another!) Leaving the front door open whilst you bring in the food shop or speak to a neighbour lets a lot of cold air in. Try to close the door in between bringing in the bags or invite people inside for a chat instead. Another nifty tip for after you've finished cooking or baking is to open the oven door and allow it to add some warmth to your kitchen. 5. Insulate, insulate Insulation is your home's winter jacket - slide foam insulation tubes over your hot water pipes. These can be bought online or in a DIY store, you could even use any left-over tubes as draught excluders for the bottom of your doors! Make sure all of your walls and your loft are insulated or upgrade your current insulation. 6. Seal and save Self-adhesive foam strips are a cheap insulating solution that fill in the gaps around your windows. With less wind sneaking in, there's less of a reason to switch the heating on. Don't forget the less obvious places where gaps can let your heat escape, such as where pipes go into the walls, particularly around sinks and toilets. 7. Re-arrange your room If you can fancy a bit of a room change that will make you a bit warmer, move your bed so that it isn't against an exterior wall (even if you just leave a small gap between the bed and the wall). The Energy Saving Trust (EST) found more renters (48%) than home owners (29%), find it a struggle to heat their homes. If you're renting a cold house privately, ask your landlord about improving your heating and insulation. EST have template you can download and send to your landlord on their support page.
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